San Francisco Modern SOMA Condo 2bd/2ba

San Francisco, California, United States

About the place

About the Neighborhood

About Joyce T.

We are a working professional couple in our early 40s looking to exchange with those who want to stay in San Francisco's urban center. Joyce is an accountant and Wilson a data analyst at a major bank. We are quietly nerdy (no parties), responsible, tech savvy, environmentally conscious. We love good food, live to travel, and enjoy urban centers as much as beach towns. We treat the houses and countries we visit just as we do in our hometown (no littering, bad behavior, etc). We usually travel as couple but sometimes include my retiree parents who are also super low key people. Our condo is a primary residence so we can mostly do a reciprocal exchange. We were seasoned Airbnb hosts and well versed in the needs of our guests.
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